Bitàcora sobre la disciplina urbanística a les Illes Balears
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Un altre blog molt interessant


Realment no hi ha a la xarxa molts d'exemples de pàgines com la que estau llegint, encara que cada vegada més les infraccions urbanístiques constitueixen un tema de debat en blogs de tota casta. Avui vos convidam a pegar una ullada a Urbanismo patas arriba, elaborat per l'arquitecte Carlos de Rueda. Podeu accedir-hi també des de la nostra antiga web. Es tracta d'un interessant recull de notícies sobre l'urbanisme i l'habitatge en general que presta especial atenció als casos de corrupció i d'il·legalitats urbanístiques. Amb molts d'enllaços i de referències molt recomanables.

2007-02-15 | Etiquetes: | Categories: Especial | Enllaç

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De: riya singh Fecha: 2019-07-22 11:45

Janakpuri. Are you looking for Office Interior Service? then we can surely tell you. Our offered services are eye-catching design and hassle-free management. Design Plus is recognized to be one of the Most Experienced Interior Design Services in Janakpuri,Home Interior Decoration, best services offered. architecture completed interior design multi program offices .

De: riya singh Fecha: 2019-07-23 11:21

If you find best Interiror designer in vikaspuri/janakpuri. So rcreindia best Interiror designer in vikaspuri/janakpuri because rcreindia price very low and project completly on timely. Behalf on my personal experince rcreindia is a best Interiror designer in vikaspuri/janakpuri. 

De: riya singh Fecha: 2019-07-23 11:32

Best rehab centre spare blissful amenities the place patients are handled with love, care and concern he treatment is a combination of the Narcotics Anonymous 12-Steps application and the TC (Therapeutic Community) Program, which have proved to be the most high quality restoration programs, adopted by way of main rehabilitation facilities international


De: riya singh Fecha: 2019-07-29 10:34

Mission Engineering is dtu leet COACHING in Delhi

Mission Engineering is the first-rate Dtu Leet coaching in Delhi. that offers you the first-rate college members, pleasant learn about cloth and the best practise for LEET(Lateral Entry to Engineering Degree) to get admission in all the well-known universities envolving IP LEET, UPTU, DCE(DTU), SLIET,THAPAR UNIVERSITY,CUSAT,PULEET, PTU, HARYANA,RTU LEET,KIITE LEET,UKSEE LEET and in all the other states.

De: riya singh Fecha: 2019-07-29 11:35

The Interior Designer in vikaspuri delhi, We furnish a host of interior designing offerings in order to meet the various wants of our commercial and residential clients Check out latest interior designing in Vikaspuri project stay photographs & design philosophy. You’ll be amazed with what we have completed for this client!

De: riya singh Fecha: 2019-07-29 11:51

Best college for b.ed in delhi haryana. Guidance with the aid of Aspiring candidates can get each if they do a B.Ed course from any good university. This is the right. You want not go to the a long way cities of Haryana for CRSU B ED course


Our college has been endeavouring to prepare the students for the global … and services to help teaching and mastering of highest standards and privileged to count on the function of President of Bhartiyam College of Education. performances which have extend and enriched Haryana’s education map.

De: riya singh Fecha: 2019-07-30 11:30

All marks and claims are situation to verification and approval by way of the college on production of certificates. One of the best colleges in jap India for professional diploma courses under. Best colleges for b.ed in delhi this institute affords a 2-year B.Ed. programme.

De: rohni Fecha: 2019-08-03 10:42

" Nasha mukti kendra " Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous and Yoga, Meditation, Psychological Treatment, Group Therapy, putting the addicts of any form of dependancy in our core in a loving surroundings Through the mixture of Panchkarma and Medical Treatment, the application is created to get whole remedy from intoxication. With the assist of America's "Alcoholics Anonymus and Narcotics Anonymous" program, more than five million human beings in the world have overcome drug addiction. This is the most positive application for the launch of intoxication. This creates a experience of acceptance of the problem of the person struggling from the drug and their family's troubles due to them, and when he accepts that he is an alcoholic or an addict and then starts to improve.



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